
Last week when we finally learned the full roster and who was cut from the game, not much attention was given to one of the cuttees-Wolf. And even if someone talked about him not being in, they weren't very surprised to hear it.

I have to say I'm not all that surprised either, because Wolf was kind of a long shot to begin with. However, I'm still disappointed that he didn't make it, since I've recently started maining him on Brawl. Why do I think Wolf should be in it? Well, Star Fox is a major series, and I feel that two reps is too few. Yes, EarthBound has only one rep, but it is a 3-game only series that is mostly only popular in Japan and which has no plans for the future. Star Fox has a new Wii U game coming out!

Also, even though Wolf was still technically a Fox clone, he had the most original moveset of the three reps in Brawl. And there could have been many changes to his moveset! Lasers instead of Blasters, Homing Missiles, Barrier Spheres instead of Reflectors, the list goes on and on. His Final Smash could also be the Wolfen instead of the Landmaster, although given what they did to Falco it's clear they don't care too much about clone moves.

Anyways, except for a very slight chance of a DLC, I must accept that my favorite Star Fox character isn't returning. What are your guys' thoughts on Wolf?
