
A Towtow.

Towtow is a more powerful enemy that appears in Super Smash Bros. Brawl's Subspace Emissary mode. Normally, Towtows will sleep quietly, with a white, peaceful expression on their face. However, after being awakened by attacks, Towtows take on a more fearsome look, and will constantly charge at any nearby fighter whilst emitting large amounts of electricity, which, oddly, deals no damage. If an awakened Towtow is left alone, it will return to its slumber.

Trophy Description

A giant, ramlike enemy and member of the Subspace Army. A Towtow looks adorable while sleeping, but when it's awakened, its angelic face changes dramatically. The features turn to demonic nastiness, and the Towtow's body turns bright red as it readies to ram you. Perhaps a result of its tantrum- hindered fashion sense, the Towtow sports a pompadour when angry.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl, 2008