On February 29, 2008, the SSB Wikia has been merged with the SmashWiki (previously located at http://smashwiki.com/).
This page details aims to answer any questions you may have regarding the current situation.
User accounts[]
Most SmashWiki users should be able to use their old account names. However, a few usernames were already present in Wikia's shared user database, and so those SmashWiki users had to be renamed during the import. If you find that you cannot login using your old username, please try to use SMASH-[your_old_username] and your old password.
As with users, most articles were simply brought over without any changes. Some, however, already had existing counterparts on SSB Wikia. These preexisting articles have been renamed and can be found on this list.
On August 3, 2008, all the articles were finally merged, so those pages should no longer exist.
Reporting bugs and filing requests[]
If you see something wrong or want something changed on the site that the admins cannot do, we're here to help.
When reporting a bug, be sure to give at least one example of the erratic behavior. This not only makes it easier to identify the problem, but also lets us check if the issue has been resolved correctly, rather than asking you to verify.
Bug reports should go to TOR's talk page and requests should go to sannse's.
Issues resolved[]
- Missing watchlists
- I've been told watchlists are missing for former SmashWiki users. Should be fixed within a day or two. TOR 15:21, 4 March 2008 (UTC)
- Project articles
- A few articles in the project namespace were not coppied. This has now been corrected. TOR 15:53, 24 October 2007 (UTC)
- Missing images
- This should be fixed now. If you encounter it again, try refreshing the page. If that doesn't help, please let me know. TOR 15:21, 4 March 2008 (UTC)
For questions regarding Wikia's policies and the move in general, please contact Wikia's Community Team.
Your main contact on this team is sannse. You can reach her by:
- editing her talk page
- going to the #wikia IRC channel and looking for sannse
- writing to sannse@gmail.com
She is available weekdays, usually from about 9am to 6pm US Eastern (and on and off other times)
For technical issues and problems, the person you're looking for is TOR, a member of Wikia's Tech Team.
You can reach TOR by:
- editing his talk page
- going to the #wikia IRC channel and looking for TOR_CNR
- writing to tor@wikia.com
He is available weekdays, usually from about 9 AM to 5 PM CET.