
A series symbol is the logo that represents another game universe, assigned to playable characters and stages. It is displayed next to a character's damage meter (the same color as the character), as well as on the Victory Screen. This is a list of all the symbols, along with a short explanation of what they are and where they come from within their game universes, and a picture.

List of series symbols[]

Fighter-represented series[]

Universe Image Description Explanation
Super Smash Bros.
An asymmetrical cross in a circle The logo that has represented the series since the first Super Smash Bros. According to Masahiro Sakurai, the cross represents the series' crossover nature, while the four sections represent the four-player feature.
MarioSymbol A Super Mushroom
(left: Pre-Brawl
right: Post-Brawl)
One of the most common items in the Super Mario series often used by the protagonists.
Donkey Kong DKSymbol(preBrawl) Early Donkey Kong Symbol DKSymbol The letters "DK"
(left: Pre-Brawl
middle: Beta version found within Brawl's files
right: Post-Brawl)
Donkey Kong's initials, most famously seen on his red tie. Also used as his symbol in the Mario spin-offs. The Beta Brawl symbol uses the letters seen in the DK64 logo.
The Legend of Zelda
The Triforce The holy relic of Hyrule that represents Courage, Wisdom, and Power.
MetroidSymbol Pre-Brawl (left): Screw Attack
Post-Brawl (right): A stylized "S" that resembles a Screw Attack.
Pre-Brawl: The Screw Attack as seen in the 2D Metroid games.
Post-Brawl: Though it still resembles a Screw Attack, this iteration is often seen in the logos for Metroid Fusion and the Metroid Prime series. Also often used as the symbol for suit upgrades in the Metroid Prime series.
YoshiSymbol A Yoshi Egg
(left: Pre-Brawl
right: Post-Brawl)
The eggs that Yoshis can lay after swallowing an enemy and can be utilized for special moves. Also used as Yoshi's symbol in Mario spin-offs.
A five-pointed star, with the points rounded A star is often seen as the Kirby series' main design motif, which is reflected in its Japanese name (Kirby of the Stars). Also resembles Warp Stars and Kirby's home planet, Popstar.
Star Fox
StarFoxSymbol A winged fox
(left: Pre-Brawl
right: Post-Brawl)
The logo for Team Star Fox that is plastered on many of the team's vehicles such as the Arwings and the Great Fox.
PokemonSymbol A Poké Ball
(left: Pre-Brawl
right: Post-Brawl)
An item used by Pokémon Trainers to catch and store Pokémon. Heavily used as a symbol both in and out of Pokémon media.
EarthboundSymbol The Earth
(left: Pre-Brawl
right: Post-Brawl)
As seen substituting the "O" on the logos for Mother and Mother 2 (EarthBound Beginnings and EarthBound, respectively). A hidden "M" can be seen in the symbol.
A falcon The golden falcon crest as seen on Captain Falcon's helmet.
Ice Climber
An eggplant One of the vegetables the Ice Climbers can collect in the top half of the game's levels.
Fire Emblem
The Falchion The legendary sword Marth, Chrom, and Lucina wield in the Fire Emblem games they star in. Based on the design from the title screen logo for Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light.
Game & Watch
Game&WatchSymbol A Game & Watch character ringing a bell
(left: Melee
right: Post-Brawl)
Represents the alarm feature of Game & Watch systems. Resembles the alarm cell from Helmet.
Kid Icarus
The Palutena Bow Pit's weapon of choice. Also used as the icon for Bow-type weapons in Kid Icarus: Uprising.
Early Wario Symbol
WarioSymbol A "W"
(left: Beta
right: Final)
The "W" seen on Wario's cap and gloves. Also used as Wario's symbol in Mario spin-offs.
A Pikmin's flower A Bacopa Cabana. Resembles the flowers that can grow atop a Pikmin's stem. It is also the propeller seen atop an Onion.
A gyro One of the real-world accessory add-ons that R.O.B. can use specifically for the game Gyromite. The symbol for the Subspace Army is also hidden in its design.
Animal Crossing
A leaf with a hole The symbol that represents a piece of furniture in the Villager's inventory screen. Also a part of the logo for Animal Crossing: New Leaf.
Wii Fit
The Dancer yoga pose. A silhouette of the Dancer pose as seen on the box art for Wii Fit as well as the software icon for Wii Fit U.
A boxing glove Based on the boxing glove's design in the title and victory screens from Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream.
Xenoblade Chronicles
The Monado Shulk's sword. Cropped to match the loading screen from the original Xenoblade Chronicles.
Duck Hunt
A duck Resembles one of the duck's sprites in Duck Hunt. Also resembles one of the ducks from the Japanese and European box arts for Duck Hunt.
An Inkling in squid form Appears all throughout the Splatoon series in many uses such as loading screens and gear icons.
An arm with a fist Represents the game's combat system. This particular design is taken from the logo for the Japan Grand Prix 2017.
Metal Gear
MetalGearSymbol (1) Brawl (left): FOXHOUND's symbol
Ultimate (right): Exclamation mark
Brawl: The symbol for FOXHOUND in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Also used as the former logo for Kojima Productions.
Ultimate: Usually seen as indicators for when Snake has been caught or has noticed something throughout the Metal Gear Solid series.
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic's head, in profile A silhouette of Sonic's head often used to represent him. Also used in the logo for Sonic Team, although theirs has eyes.
Mega Man
A cog Cogs are common imagery used in the Japanese versions of Mega Man games. Most recently used in Mega Man 11.
Pac-Man in his "classic" form. Pac-Man's most famous design first seen as his sprite in the original Pac-Man.
Street Fighter
The letters "S" and "F" The series' initials rendered in the typeface of the logo for Street Fighter II: The World Warrior.
Final Fantasy
The letters "FF" The series' initials rendered in the typeface of the series' logo. A possible reference to series creator Hironobu Sakaguchi's intention during the first game's development to have his then-nameless game to have its initials be "FF".
A crescent moon with a dot in the center The crest of the Umbra Witches. Also incorporated into the logo for Bayonetta 2.
A castle with a bat outside Represents Dracula's Castle, otherwise known as the titular Castlevania. The design of the castle is taken from the title screen of the Japanese version of the original Castlevania while the bat is from the game's box art.
A top hat and a flaming mask The logo of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts that usually adorn their calling cards in Persona 5.
Dragon Quest
A sigil that resembles a bird The Crest of Erdrick as seen in the first three Dragon Quest games, where it is commonly used as the "Important Equipment" symbol. It is also seen on the recurring Mark of Erdrick item as well as on Erdrick's Shield of Heroes and The Luminary's Erdwin's Shield.
A Jiggy Resembles the Jiggies, the main collectible items in the Banjo-Kazooie series.
Fatal Fury
A five-pointed star tilted at an angle Based on its design from the logo for Real Bout Fatal Fury. It's also the icon for when Terry wins a round in Garou: Mark of the Wolves. A similar star can be seen on the back of his jacket.
A three-dimensional cube A minimalist render of a Block, the main element seen throughout the Minecraft franchise that makes up its entire terrain as well as the shape of certain items like Crafting Tables. The Block's positioning also resembles the game's application icon.
A gloved fist The MMA gloves worn by Kazuya Mishima and Jin Kazama. A fist may have been chosen as the symbol due to the word "Tekken" being Japanese for "iron fist", which is also the name of the tournament held in each installment (The King of Iron Fist Tournament).
Kingdom Hearts
A crown A recurring symbol often associated with Sora, as it is his necklace as well as the negative space in the teeth of his Keyblade. It also is incorporated into the series logo of the Kingdom Hearts franchise.

Stage-represented series[]

Universe Image Description Explanation
Nintendo DS
The "dual screen" logo Represent the duel screen aspect of the Nintendo DS as seen on its logo. Also seen on the casing of Nintendo DS Lites.
A Nanocarp A Nanocarp is from the interface of the same name in Electroplankton. It being chosen as the series' symbol is most likely due to it being featured dead center on the game's box art.
Find Mii
The Regal Crown The crown the player's kidnapped Mii wears in the Find Mii games.
A dog's paw A dog's paw print. A similar one appears in the Nintendogs logo.
A house Represents the player Mii's house in the game as well as its overall residential setting.
Balloon Fight
A pair of balloons The balloons a Balloon Fighter starts off with at the beginning of each level.
Wrecking Crew
A steel drum A minimalist render of the steel drums that can trap enemies in Wrecking Crew.
An airplane The design of the plane is taken from the logo for Pilotwings Resort. Represents the series' aviation focus.
Wii Sports
A palm tree and a volcano A representation of Wuhu Island, the setting of Wii Sports Resort (the island also appears in other games such as Wii Fit and Mario Kart 7). The volcano is a minimalist render of Maka Wuhu.
The Miiverse logo Represents the community of players on Miiverse as well as the service's Administration.

Original symbols[]

Universe Image Description Explanation
Metal Mario
A metallic Super Mushroom The Mario symbol but edited to look metallic. Used only in the first Super Smash Bros. during its 1P Game.
Battlefield (Melee)
A circle cut into eighths and slightly spread apart Oddly used as the symbol for Super Smash Bros. Melee's Battlefield and has not been used since. Its meaning and intent remain unknown.
The Subspace Emissary
A hollow circle with a bar on the inner left The Subspace Army's logo that adorns many of their weapons and enemies such as Primids, Mites, and Nagagog. Also represents the mode as a whole.
Custom Stages Super Mario Bros. Super Mario Bros. for Wii U (left): a circle, square, and triangle
Ultimate (right): A stage platform with a pencil
Symbols that represent Custom Stages in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as they appear in their respective stage select screens.
World of Light
Four curved wings surrounding a circle A minimalist render of Galeem, one of the central antagonists of World of Light. Also represents the mode as a whole.
The word "Mii" Taken from logos for the Mii Channel in the Wii and the Mii Maker in the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U. This symbol is used in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate to represent Spirits from Mii games such as the StreetPass Mii Plaza series, Pilotwings Resort, and Nintendo Land.
Assist Trophies
An Assist Trophy A minimalist render of an Assist Trophy. This symbol is used for the voice clips of Assist Trophies in the Sound Test of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
The ellipsis "…" The symbol that represents the songs in the "Other" category in the Sound Test of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.


  • Super Smash Bros., The Legend of Zelda, Kirby, and F-Zero are the only universes to use their exact same symbols throughout the entire series.
  • Metal Gear is the only universe to change symbols entirely. It's Brawl symbol is not only the FOXHOUND logo in-game, but it is also the logo for Kojima Productions, the Metal Gear development team. Its symbol change in Ultimate is likely due to legal reasons, as Kojima Productions is no longer a part of Konami after Hideo Kojima's controversial departure from the company.
  • Persona's symbol is the only one to pertain to a specific entry in a series rather than as a whole, as the Phantom Thieves only appear in Persona 5.
  • Oddly in Ultimate, Sprits from series only represented by a stage do not use their respective symbols. Electroplankton, Balloon Fight, and Nintendogs use the "Other" symbol; Find Mii and Pilotwings use the "Mii" symbol; and Wrecking Crew is grouped with the Mario series.