This page documents an official Smashpedia policy, a widely accepted standard that all users should follow. When editing this page, please ensure that your revision reflects consensus. If in doubt, consider discussing changes on the talk page.

Policy on how talk pages should be handled and used. A talk page exists for all pages and is linked by the "discussion" tab. A talk page is where discussions or comments regarding the corresponding page takes place.

General guidelines[]

  • New topics should go at the bottom of a talk page under their own section header, unless they would be more appropriate as a subheading of an existing topic or section.
  • Talk page comments should be signed to give proper attribution and identification. Take note of the Smashpedia:Sign your comments policy.
  • Avoid modifying comments made by other users.
  • Avoid modifying your own comments if other users have replied to it, unless it is to correct minor typos or sentence structure. Using strikethrough is much preferable.
  • It is acceptable to edit existing comments to clean up formatting for readability; for example, closing an unclosed tag that is affecting subsequent comments, scaling down large images, removing the leading space character (which encloses text in a dashed box and prevents text wrapping), or modifying the indentation (which should be indicated using {{reset indent}}).

Removal of talk page content[]

  • Users may not remove comments (wholly or partially) from any talk page, with the following exceptions:
    • Removal of clear vandalism and spam.
    • Removal of links to sites containing malicious scripts or patently offensive material.
    • Removal of email addresses and other personal information without the user's consent. (These revisions should also be deleted- please leave a note on the admin noticeboard.)
    • Removal for archiving purposes (see following section).
    • Removal to a more appropriate talk page and marking the move using the {{moved}} template in both the source and destination pages.
  • If part of a post is removed, a replacement note detailing what was removed should be inserted (such as <link to shock site removed>).
    • If a comment was removed in its entirety due to the above exceptions, there is no need to insert a replacement note, unless the removed comment had received a reply, in which case replacement notes such as <spam removed> or <vandalism removed> should be inserted.


An archive is essentially an old talk page. Archiving is used to clean up an excessively long talk page and provide easily accessible references for past discussions. Archives can be added to any talk page on SmashWiki. This guideline will explain how to archive and offer some tips on what to avoid.

When to archive?[]

As a rule of thumb, 32kb or more is a good time to archive, but this is not a formal standard.

How do I archive a talk page?[]

See Help:Archiving.

Archiving guidelines[]

  • Archive a talk page by sections. Avoid archiving a section only partially, since it will break continuity.
  • Archive only inactive discussions. Consider moving relevant sections out of an archive should a topic get discussed again; avoid discussions on archives.
  • Empty remnants of sections moved to other talk pages need not be archived if they are irrelevant.
  • Personal attacks can be immediately archived if there is no ongoing discussion about them occurring on the page.
  • After archiving, add a visible link on the original talk page to the newly created archive.
  • Explain that you're archiving in the edit summary.
  • An archived talk page is still a talk page. All relevant policies and guidelines still apply.
  • Users should generally not archive talk pages in the user spaces of others without permission.