
PictoChat is a music track from the Nintendo DS universe, originating from PictoChat, a communication app built into the Nintendo DS family of systems. It is an original, piano-based piece based around sound effects from the original Nintendo DS menu, the Wii menu, and most prominently, PictoChat. Sound effects used within the track include the Nintendo DS's start-up jingle, entering and leaving PictoChat, loading the Wii Menu, and typing noises from both systems. This track was composed for Super Smash Bros. Brawl, appearing there alongside the PictoChat stage. The track returns unchanged in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS as a starter track (for use at PictoChat 2, PictoChat's successor), in for Wii U as an unlockable track (for use at 75m), and in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.



PictoChat - Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Music by Series Super Smash Bros. / Adventure Modes  · Super Mario / Mario Kart  · Donkey Kong  · The Legend of Zelda  · Metroid  · Yoshi  · Kirby  · Star Fox  · Pokémon  · F-Zero  · Mother/EarthBound  · Fire Emblem  · Game & Watch  · Kid Icarus  · WarioWare  · Pikmin  · Animal Crossing  · Wii Fit  · Punch-Out!!  · Xenoblade Chronicles  · Splatoon  · ARMS  · Metal Gear  · Sonic the Hedgehog  · Mega Man  · Pac-Man  · Street Fighter  · Final Fantasy VII  · Bayonetta  · Castlevania  · Persona  · Dragon Quest  · Banjo-Kazooie  · Fatal Fury  · Minecraft  · Tekken  · Kingdom Hearts  · Other
Music by Game Music (64)  · Music (Melee)  · Music (Brawl)  · Music (3DS/Wii U)  · Music (Ultimate)
Songs "Afternoon on the Island"  · "Ashley's Song"  · "Balloon Fight Medley"  · "Bomb Rush Blush"  · "Duck Hunt Medley"  · "Galaga Medley"  · "Gang-Plank Galleon"  · "Gourmet Race"  · "Jump Up, Super Star!"  · "Lifelight"  · "Main Theme (Super Mario 64)"  · "Mappy Medley"  · "Mega Man 2 Medley"  · "MEGALOVANIA"  · "Mike's Song"  · "Mona Pizza's Song"  · "N's Castle Medley"  · "Nintendo Land Medley"  · "Paper Mario Medley"  · "PictoChat"  · "Psycho Soldier Theme"  · "Rainbow Road Medley"  · "Spiral Mountain"  · "Super Smash Bros. Brawl Main Theme"  · "Wii Sports Series Medley"
Albums Nintendo All-Star! Dairantō Smash Brothers OST  · Smashing...Live!  · A Smashing Soundtrack
Composers/Performers List of composers (Koji Kondo  · Kazumi Totaka  · Hirokazu Tanaka  · Shogo Sakai  · Nobuo Uematsu)  · New Japan Philharmonic
Other CD  · Sound Test  · My Music  · Fanfare
ROBSymbolElectroplanktonSymbolDSSymbolBalloonFightSymbolMiscellaneous first-party universes SpecialStagesSymbolNintendogsSymbolPilotwingsSymbolWreckingCrewSymbol
Character R.O.B. (Brawl  · 3DS/Wii U  · Ultimate)
Side Characters Assist Trophies Arcade Bunny  · Barbara  · Color TV-Game 15  · Devil  · Dillon  · Dr. Kawashima  · Dr. Wright  · Excitebike  · Helirin  · Infantry and Tanks  · Isaac  · Jill  · Nikki  · Nintendog  · Ray MK III  · Prince of Sablé  · Saki Amamiya  · Sheriff  · Starfy  · Sukapon  · Takamaru  · Vince  · Yuri Kozukata
Mii Fighter Costumes Arcade Bunny  · Barbara  · Chibi-Robo  · Isaac  · Lip  · Ray MK III  · Saki Amamiya  · Takamaru  · Toy-Con Robot  · Vince
Enemies Sneaky Spirit
Stages PictoChat  · Hanenbow  · Balloon Fight  · Living Room  · PictoChat 2  · Pilotwings  · Wrecking Crew
Items Flipper  · Lip's Stick  · Rocket Belt  · Steel Diver  · Super Scope  · Unira
Music List List of Music (Other)
Songs "Balloon Fight Medley"  · "Nintendo Land Medley"  · "PictoChat"
Collectibles Trophies Melee Trophies  · Brawl Trophies  · 3DS Trophies  · Wii U Trophies
Stickers List of Stickers (Other)
Spirits List of spirits (Others)
Related universes R.O.B.  · Balloon Fight  · Electroplankton  · Nintendo DS  · Nintendogs  · Pilotwings  · Wrecking Crew  · List of minor universes