
Krystal (クリスタル) is a member of the Star Fox team from the universe with the same name.

Character description[]

Krystal (クリスタル, Kurisutaru) is a vixen and the most recently-recruited member of the Star Fox team. She serves as Fox McCloud's main love interest (although Panther Caroso seems to be infatuated with her) and made her first appearance in the series in Star Fox Adventures. Krystal joined Star Fox almost immediately after the Saurian Crisis, taking Peppy Hare's place of fourth pilot. In addition to her fighter role, Krystal is the team's telepath; these abilities are first seen in Adventures and put to good use during the Aparoid Invasion. Using her abilities, she can read thought patterns and sense distress signals, which is vital for the team as they help out other planets.

In Super Smash Bros. Brawl[]


Krystal appears in Smash Taunts from Lylat Cruise and in three Stickers.

Trophy description[]

A member of the Star Fox team welcomed in Star Fox Adventures after the team met her on planet Sauria when responding to a distress signal. Krystal is capable of telepathy and is a valuable member in combat. After becoming romantically involved with Fox, their relationship gets very rocky in Star Fox Command.

  • Star Fox Adventures (11/2002)
  • Star Fox: Assault (02/2005)

In Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U[]


Krystal returns in the Smash Taunts from Lylat Cruise in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.

Trophy Description[]

As befitting her name, Krystal was once imprisoned in a giant crystal. After rescuing her, Fox welcomed her into the team, where her telepathic abilities proved invaluable. She and Fox also became romantically involved. We can't help but wonder if extrasensory perception helps or hinders a relationship!

  • Star Fox Adventures (11/2002)
  • Star Fox: Assault (04/2005)

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate[]

Krystal appears as an Assist Trophy in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

When she is summoned she says "Try me" and attacks opponents with her staff. She also attacks using the Ice Blaster which freezes characters upon contact. She can also jump in midair and use Ice Blaster to attack as well. Like most Assist Trophies in this game, she can be fought and defeated for extra score in Time Battle. Her last words before vanishing in the end are "You're not ready yet".



  • Krystal is the first female Star Fox character to physically appear in the Smash Bros games. (Trophies don’t count.)
  • She was originally supposed to be the third Star Fox represent in Brawl, but due to the lack of time, Wolf took her place because it was easier for him to copy Fox and Falco’s moveset.
AssistTrophySymbol Assist Trophies
Introduced in
Andross  · Barbara  · Devil  · Dr. Wright  · Excitebikes  · Gray Fox  · Hammer Bro.  · Helirin  · Isaac  · Infantry & Tanks  · Jeff Andonuts  · Jill  · Kat & Ana  · Knuckle Joe  · Lakitu and Spinies  · Little Mac  · Lyn  · Metroid  · Mr. Resetti  · Nintendog  · Ray MK III  · Saki Amamiya  · Samurai Goroh  · Shadow the Hedgehog  · Starfy  · Tingle  · Waluigi
Introduced in
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS & Wii U
Ashley  · Chain Chomp  · Color TV-Game 15  · Dark Samus  · Dillon  · Dr. Kawashima  · Elec Man  · Ghirahim  · Ghosts  · Isabelle  · Magnus  · Midna  · Mother Brain  · Nightmare  · Phosphora  · Prince of Sablé  · Riki  · Sheriff  · Skull Kid  · Starman  · Takamaru
Introduced in
Smash Ultimate logo glow
Akira Yuki  · Alucard  · Arcade Bunny  · Black Knight  · Bomberman  · Burrowing Snagret  · Chef Kawasaki  · Flies & Hand  · Guile  · Kapp'n  · Knuckles the Echidna  · Krystal  · Moon  · Nikki  · Rathalos  · Rodin  · Shovel Knight  · Spring Man  · Squid Sisters  · Sukapon  · Thwomp  · Tiki  · Vince  · Wily Capsule  · Yuri Kozukata  · Zero
StarFoxSymbol Star Fox universe
Characters Fox McCloud (64  · Melee  · Brawl  · 3DS/Wii U  · Ultimate)
Falco Lombardi (Melee  · Brawl  · 3DS/Wii U  · Ultimate)
Wolf O'Donnell (Brawl · Ultimate)
Side Characters Assist Trophies Andross  · Krystal
Mii Fighter Costume Fox McCloud
Background characters Fox McCloud  · Falco Lombardi  · Slippy Toad  · Peppy Hare  · Krystal  · ROB 64  · Wolf O'Donnell  · Leon Powalski  · Panther Caroso
Miscellaneous Arwing  · Wolfen  · Great Fox
Stages Sector Z  · Corneria  · Venom  · Lylat Cruise  · Orbital Gate Assault
Item Smart Bomb
Music List of Music (Star Fox series)
Collectibles Trophies Melee Trophies  · Brawl Trophies  · 3DS Trophies  · Wii U Trophies
Stickers List of Stickers (Star Fox series)
Spirits List of spirits (Star Fox series)
Masterpieces Star Fox 64