
Event 48: Pikachu and Pichu (ピカチュウ&ピチュー?) is an event match in Super Smash Bros. Melee.


In this event match, the player may choose any character and have 2 stocks. They're against 2 Pichus with 1 stock and a Pikachu with infinite stocks. The player must KO the Pichu. The stage is Dream Land, making it the only Melee event match set on a past stage.


  • This event makes a reference to the Pokémon short, "Pikachu and Pichus" where Ash's Pikachu meets the Pichu Brothers for the first time, in which a crazy adventure ensues.
  • It is possible to unlock and play this event before unlocking N64 Dream Land. But similar to Event 23: Slippy's Invention, this does not unlock the unlockable character/unlockable stage upon completion.

Template:Event Matches
