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The Crowd or the Audience, also referred to as Publicity in the debug menu of Super Smash Bros. Melee, is a group of unseen people that can be heard during matches in all games of the Super Smash Bros. series.

Causes of cheering[]

The crowd can occasionally be heard cheering by shouting the name of a character that is used by a human player. The cause of cheering, however, is not entirely known; common trends include having high damage and doing something significant, such as KOing multiple opponents at once, or falling behind considerably during the course of a match. Every character has a unique cheer chant in each of the Smash Bros. games.

In addition to chants, the crowd can also vocalize during the match to a variety of events. In the original game, if a player can just make it back to the stage, after being knocked far away from the stage, the crowd will cheer for the player. The crowd also cheers if Ness absorbs a projectile with PSI Magnet, as well as if a character hits multiple characters or lands a powerful hit. Since Melee, the crowd will gasp if the player gets close to the ledge after getting knocked off; they will also cheer loudly if the player hits multiple opponents with a powerful attack. In addition, in Melee the crowd cheers the player if they complete the Target Test, complete an Event Match, or the Race to the Finish. However, they will groan should the player fail at any of these games. In Brawl and SSB4, the crowd will also gasp whenever a Smash Ball or legendary Pokémon appears, with the exception of Latias and Latios. In SSB4, the crowd will groan if a player finishes with no points in the Home-Run Contest or Target Blast. If Sudden Death occurs, then the crowd will be silent during this situation.

Despite their presence, the crowd has no effect on gameplay. A sole exception exists in the Bonus mode of Melee; if the player earns the "Crowd Favorite" bonus from getting the crowd to cheer for them, or the "Master of Suspense" bonus from causing the crowd to gasp at them at least three times in one minute, they will earn 2500 points from each.

Of further note, in Melee and Brawl, the crowd seems to "disappear" after a certain point is reached in some of the single player modes. In Melee, the crowd disappears starting at Race to the Finish and at Stage 12: Final Destination in the Adventure Mode. In Brawl, the crowd disappears during the fight against Master Hand, and is only heard when certain stages are cleared in the Subspace Emissary.

Certain characters have noticeably different names in Japan (such as Jigglypuff as Purin and R.O.B. as Robot); their names are adjusted accordingly in the cheer.

List of Crowd cheers (Super Smash Bros.)[]

Name Pitch Description Audio Clip (NTSC and PAL) Audio Clip (Japanese)
Captain Falcon Group chant Falcon!
Donkey Kong Group chant Donkey Kong!
Fox Group chant Go - Fox!
Jigglypuff Group chant Jigglypuff!
Kirby Group chant Kirby!
Link Group chant Go, Link!
Luigi Group chant Luigi!
Mario Group chant Mario!
Ness Group chant Go - Ness!
Pikachu Group chant Pikachu!
Samus Group chant Samus!
Yoshi Group chant Yoshi!

List of Crowd cheers (Super Smash Bros. Melee)[]

Name Pitch Description Audio Clip (NTSC and PAL) Audio Clip (Japanese)
Bowser Male voices Bow-ser! Bow-ser!
Captain Falcon Group chant Falcon! *claps three times*
Donkey Kong Mostly female voices Donkey - Kong!
Dr. Mario Group Chant Gooooooo - Doc!
Falco Deep male voices Faaalll-cooo...!
Fox Group chant Gooooooo - Fox!
Ganondorf Deep male voices Gaaa-non-doorff...!
Ice Climbers Group chants Ice - Climber! Ice - Climber!
Jigglypuff Male voices Jig-gly-puff! (English)
Kirby Male voices Kirby -- Kirby!
Link Group chant Go - Link! *claps three times*
Luigi Group Chant Lu-i-gi!
Mario Group chant Mar-rio!
Marth Group chant Marth -- Marth -- Marth!
Mewtwo Group Chant Mewwww-two!
Mr. Game & Watch Group Chant Game - And -Watch!
Ness Group Chant Ness -- Ness -- Ness!
Peach Male voices Go - Peach!
Pichu Group Chant Pi-Chu!
Pikachu Mostly female voices Pika-Pika-Pikachu!
Roy Group chant Roy's - Our - Boy!
Samus Group chant Samus - Samus!
Sheik Male voices Gooooooooooooooooooooo Sheik!
Yoshi Deep Male voices Yooo-Shiii...!
Young Link Group chant Young - Link!
Zelda Group chant Zelda - Zelda - Hu!

List of Crowd cheers (Super Smash Bros. Brawl)[]

Name Pitch Description (NTSC/PAL) Description (Japanese) Audio Clip (NTSC/PAL) Audio Clip (Japanese)
Bowser Deep male voices Bow - Ser! Koo - pa!
Captain Falcon Mixed chant Cap - Tain (high female voices) - Fal - Con! (deep male voices) <
Diddy Kong Group chant Di - Ddy - Kong! <
Donkey Kong Group chant Don - Key - Kong! <
Falco Group chant Fal - Co! <
Fox Group chant Fox - Fox - *clap clap clap* Fox! - *clap x 3*
Ganondorf Deep male voices Gan - On - Dorf! <
Popo Mixed chant Na - Na! (high female voices) -- Po - Po! (low male voices) Ice - Cli - mer!
Nana No crowd chant *The Back sound on the menu* ^
Ike Group chant We - Like - Ike! Ike!
Jigglypuff Female Voices Jig - gly - puff! Pu - ri - n!
King Dedede Group chant Kiiiing -- De - de - de! De - de - de! - De - de - de! - De - de - de - de - de - de - de!
Kirby High female voices Kir - By! Ki - r - By!
Link Group chant Go - Link! *clap clap clap* Li - n - k!
Lucario Group chant Lu - Ca - Ri - O! Lu - Ca - RiO!
Lucas Group chant Lu - Cas! <(Ryu - ka!)
Luigi Male voices Lu - I - Gi! LuI - Gi!
Mario Group chant Ma - Ri - O! <
Marth Group chant Marth - Marth - Marth! <
Meta Knight Group chant Me - Ta - Knight! <
Mr. Game & Watch Group chant Mis - Ter -- Game - And - Watch! Game - And - Watch!
Ness Group chant Ness - Ness - Ness - OOOO! Ness - Ness - Ne - ss!
Olimar Mixed chant Pik - Min (high female voices) -- Oli - Mar! (deep male voices) <
Peach Group chant Peach! <
Pikachu High female voices Pika - Pika - Pikachu! Pi - ka - chu!
Pit Group chant Pit - *clap* Pit*kun*
Pokémon Trainer Group chant Po - Ké - Mon! <
R.O.B. Group chant R - O - B - R.O.B.! Ro - bot!
Samus Group chant Sam - Us! SamUs!
Sheik Group chant Sheik! She - I - k!
Snake Group chant Snake - Snake -- Snaaaaake! Snake!
Sonic Group chant Go - Go - So - Nic! <
Toon Link Group chant Toon - Link! Link!
Wario Group chant Wa - Ri - O! -- Cha - Cha - Cha! Wa - Ri - O!
Wolf Group chant Wooolf! - *howl* - Wooolf! - *howling continues* <
Yoshi High female voices Yo - Shi! <
Zelda Group chant Zel - Da! <
Zero Suit Samus Group chant Ze - Ro - Suit -- Sam - Us! SamUs

List of Crowd cheers (Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS/Wii U)[]

Name Description (NTSC) Description (Japanese) Audio Clip (NTSC) Audio Clip (Japanese)
Bayonetta Bay - o!
Bowser Bow - ser!
Bowser Jr. Jun - ior!
Larry Lar - ry
Roy Roy Roy Roy!
Wendy Wen - dy!
Iggy Ig - gy!
Morton Mor - ton!
Lemmy Lem - my!
Ludwig Lud - wig!
Captain Falcon Falcoon Punch!
Charizard Charizard!
Cloud Cloud! - Cloud! - Cloud!
Corrin Corr - in!
Dark Pit Pittoo Pittoo Pittoo!
Diddy Kong Diddy Kong!
Donkey Kong D - K! -- Donkey - Kong!
Dr. Mario Go - Doc!
Duck Hunt Duck - Hunt!
Falco Fal - co!
Fox Fox Fox Fox!
Ganondorf Ganon - dooorf!
Greninja Greninja!
Ike We like Ike!
Jigglypuff Jigglypuff!
King Dedede De-De-De! De-De-De! Dedededededede
Kirby Kir - by!
Link/Toon Link Link Link Link!
Little Mac Little Mac! Get 'em back!
Lucario Lu - cario!
Lucas Lu - cas!
Lucina Lu - ci - na!
Luigi Lui - gi!
Mario Ma - Ri - O!
Marth Marth Marth Marth!
Mega Man Me - ga - Man!
Meta Knight Me - ta - Knight!
Mewtwo Mewwww-two!
Mii Fighters Mii!
Mr. Game & Watch Game - And - Watch!
Ness Su-per Ness!
Olimar Olimar! Olimar! Olimar!
Alph Alph! Alph! Alph!
Pac-Man Pac - Man!
Palutena Pa - lu - te - na!
Peach Prin - cess - Peach!
Pikachu Pi - ka - chu!
Pit Pit! Pit! This is it!
R.O.B. R - O - B!
Robin Ro - bin!
Rosalina & Luma Ro - sa - li - na!
Roy Roy's our boy!
Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu!
Samus Sa - mus!
Sheik Sheik!
Shulk Shulk Shulk Shulk!
Sonic So - nic!
Villager Vill - a - ger!
Wario Wa - ri - o!
Wii Fit Trainer Wii Fit!
Yoshi Yo - shi!
Zelda Zel - da!
Zero Suit Samus Ze - ro - Suit!


  • Cheers can also be found in the Sound Test, and they are always the last of each character's sounds.
  • In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the Japanese crowd cheer for Meta Knight is the same as the American cheer.
  • Ike's cheer, "We Like Ike", is often associated with the presidential campaign of Dwight "Ike" Eisenhower.
  • In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Luigi's cheer is shouted by only a few people, in reference to the fact he is often overshadowed by his brother and ignored by others.
  • Snake's cheer is a reference to Snake's death sequence from the Metal Gear Solid franchise, in which Otacon can be heard repeating Snake's name in the same manner as the crowd cheer.
  • Ness's cheer could be a reference to Giygas's "Ness, Ness, Ness..." speech from EarthBound. His cheer in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS/Wii U has been changed to "Super Ness!", which is a reference to the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, also called as SNES and very oftenly called Super Nintendo.
  • In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the Ice Climbers' cheer is different based on which climber is human-controlled. When playing as Nana, the cheer is the Back sound on the menu.
  • In the Japanese version of Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS/Wii U, if players were to play as Villager, the crowd will chant (村の 町長!) "Mura no - chouchou!" Some believed this to be the Ice Climbers' chant due to it sounding similar to "Na - Na! Po - Po!", however this is actually the Japanese chant for the Villager translating to "The villagers' - Mayor!"
  • In Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS/Wii U, Donkey Kong's new cheer, "DK Donkey Kong", is a reference to the DK Rap from Donkey Kong 64.