
Crazy Hand (Japanese: クレイジーハンド, Kureijī Hando) is Master Hand's left hand counterpart. While Master Hands movements are very mature and easy going, Crazy Hand moves in disfunctional and erratic ways. To fight him in Melee, you have to clear Normal level Classic Mode in 18 minutes or less and reduce Master Hand's health by half. He also appears in Event 50: Final Destination Match.

Crazy Hand looks exactly the same as Master Hand (apart from being a left-hand), but it acts more erratic and chaotic in general. He is impulsive, destructive, and consumed with a hollow feeling which comes from destroying one’s own creations. When preparing for an attack, Crazy hands movements are also different. When joined with Master Hand, they can preform several combined attacks.

In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, he appears as a boss of the Subspace Emissary (See YouTube: SSB - All bosses. Crazy Hand can be seen from 2:54 to 3:05 and Master from 3:43 to 4:00, distinguished by their mirrored thumbs.) He also reprises his role in Classic Mode. To fight him you must arrive at the final stage and the difficulty level is set to Hard or above, as well as arrive at the final stage in 9 minutes or less.


Note that none of the names are official. Crazy Hand can only be played via hacking with an Action Replay. All directions are pressed on the D-Pad, not the Control Stick. Lastly, Crazy Hand can only be controlled by Player 4.

Solo Moves

Crazy Hand
Input Name Notes
A^ Rocket Punch Crazy Hand flies from behind the stage and punches.
A< Rocket Drill Crazy Hand flies from behind the stage and spins around.
A> Slap Crazy Hand slaps the ground.
Av Rocket Drill Crazy Hand flies from behind the stage and spins around (identical to A<)
B^ Laser Crazy Hand shoots lasers from its fingertips. Only the endpoints do damage.
B> Laser Crazy Hand shoots lasers from its fingertips. Only the endpoints do damage. (identical to B^)
Bv Bomb Crazy Hand drops several bombs.
B< Laser Crazy Hand shoots lasers from its fingertips. Only the endpoints do damage. (identical to B^)
L^ Sweep Crazy Hand sweeps across the stage.
Lv Seizure Crazy Hand lies on the ground and has violent spasms.
L< Crawl Crazy Hand "crawls" across the stage using its fingers.
L> Sweep Crazy Hand sweeps across the stage. (identical to L^)
R^ Punch Crazy Hand punches the ground.
Rv Poke Crazy Hand pokes three times. The third poke causes freezing.
R< Drill Crazy Hand drills into the ground.
R> Slap Crazy Hand slaps the ground. (identical to A>)
Y< Spark Crazy Hand emits sparks. This move is purely decorative.
Z^ Grab Crazy Hand grabs another character.
Z> Grab Crazy Hand grabs another character. (identical to Z^)
Z< Grab Crazy Hand grabs another character. (identical to Z^)

Moves used in Conjunction with Master Hand

MH Input is the command that Master Hand must use, while CH Input is Crazy Hand's command. MH (Master Hand) and CH (Crazy Hand) must both press the input shown to trigger the combination attack.

CH input MH input Move Notes
Y> Y< Applaud A shockwave is released that puts the player to sleep, then the two hands clap together five times.
Y^ Y^ Double Punch The two hands punch together.
Y^ Yv Catch Crazy Hand punches across the stage and is caught by Master Hand. A shockwave that deals shadow damage is released at impact.

Useful Combination Moves

Certain moves can be used in conjunction with each other to cause massive amounts of damage.

CH Input MH Input Combo Name Notes
Av, A< A^ Double Jet Not exactly the most useful combo, but still fun if pulled off right.
R> Av Dual Smash When done one right after the other at just the right moment, the player will dodge the first hand, but get hit by the other.
B^, B>, B< B^ Twin Laser When both laser moves are used together, the player will have a hard time dodging the lasers without staying in the center of the arena.
Bv B> Unique Traits Useful for when the enemy is dazed or stuck in something, but easily blocked, reflected, or dodged otherwise.
L< Lv Walking Death Another combo the player will have a hard time dodging, and even recovering if it hits right.
Rv R< Dual Poke Avoidable, but causes good damage if hit right. Also freezes the enemy if Crazy gets in the third hit.
Z^, Z>, Z< Z^ Twin Grab Somewhat avoidable, but still useful.

See Also

SubspaceSymbol Bosses WorldOfLightSymbol
Introduced in
Smash 64
Master Hand  · Metal Mario  · Giant Donkey Kong
Introduced in
Crazy Hand  · Giga Bowser  · Metal Bros.
Introduced in
Petey Piranha  · Rayquaza  · Porky Statue / Porky Minch  · Galleom  · Ridley  · Duon  · Meta Ridley  · Tabuu
Introduced in
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS & Wii U
Master Core
Introduced in
Smash Ultimate logo glow
Rathalos  · Ganon  · Dracula  · Marx  · Galeem  · Dharkon
SmashBrosSymbol Super Smash Bros. universe
Playable Characters Mii Fighter (3DS/Wii U  · Ultimate)
Mii Brawler (3DS/Wii U  · Ultimate)  · Mii Swordfighter (3DS/Wii U  · Ultimate)  · Mii Gunner (3DS/Wii U  · Ultimate)
Other characters Fighting teams Fighting Polygon Team · Fighting Wire Frames · Fighting Alloy Team · Fighting Mii Team
Bosses Master Hand  · Crazy Hand  · Giga Bowser  · Galleom  · Duon  · Tabuu  · Master Core  · Galeem  · Dharkon
Stages Battlefield (Duel Zone  · Melee  · Brawl  · 3DS/Wii U  · Ultimate)
Final Destination (64  · Melee  · Brawl  · 3DS/Wii U  · Ultimate)
Big Battlefield (for Wii U  · Ultimate)
Meta Crystal  · Small Battlefield  · Home-Run Stadium  · Training stage ultimate
Items Assist Trophy  · Banana Gun  · Barrel  · Beam Sword  · Beastball  · Black Hole  · Blast Box  · Bumper  · Capsule  · CD  · Coins / Coins and Bills  · Cracker Launcher  · Crate  · Custom Part  · Drill  · Fake Smash Ball  · Fan  · Food  · Gooey Bomb  · Healing Field  · Healing Sprout  · Home-Run Bat  · Key  · Motion-Sensor Bomb  · Party Ball  · Rage Blaster  · Ray Gun  · Rolling Crates  · Sandbag  · Smash Ball  · Smoke Ball  · Sticker  · Stock Ball  · Team Healer  · Timer  · Trophy  · Trophy Stand
Music Lists List of Music (Super Smash Bros. series)  · List of Music (Adventure Mode)
Songs "Super Smash Bros. Brawl Main Theme"  · "Lifelight"
Collectibles Trophies Melee Trophies  · Brawl Trophies  · 3DS Trophies  · Wii U Trophies
Spirits List of spirits (Super Smash Bros. series)